IR-TAG infrared identification system tag

Comparator LLC has developed the IR-TAG.

The main functions of the responder:

  • Identification
  • Heat detection
  • Rumination
  • Activity
  • NFC with ID

Full compatibility with:

SCR & Milkline milking parlors

  • Readers IDU210 & IDU420
  • Software Data Flow II (I)

Lely Astronaut A3/A4

  • Reader IDU430
  • Software Lely Horizon (T4C)


  • Requires no software or settings
  • Simply place the transponder on the cow and enter the ID into your database

Durable product

The service life of any product begins from the moment it is first launched in production.

To avoid storing products that are many years old (which may have reached the end of their useful life before being sold), we insert the batteries before shipping.

Therefore, on the cow will be guaranteed a fresh product at the beginning of its service life, which will last for many years.

Shipment time 3-5 days

After payment, your order within 3-5 working days is created, tested, photographed, and sent to you.

We carefully pack each product and control the let to the destination.

Before the very arrival of the order, we inform you about this. We are always in touch and work as quickly as possible for your comfort.

  • Agriculture
  • Infrared identification system
  • Dairy farms
  • Milking robots
  • Physical activity and Chewing Activity (Rumination)
  • IR-TAG OOO “Comparator”
  • Detection heat of cows
  • Lely Astronaut A3
  • Lely Astronaut А4

IR-TAG tag feature

Using IR-TAG requires no modifications to farm equipment or installation of additional software. IR-TAG can work in a dairy farm using HR-TAG with DataFlow II or older DataFlow software. Also, the IR-TAG IR tag is compatible with A3 and A4 milking robots system and T4C software.
  • Made in Belarus.
  • Cheaper price policy.
  • Modern up-to-date configuration.
  • Quick service and replacement.
  • Compatible with readers IDU210, IDU420, IDU430

Design features of IR-TAG tags

When designing the IR-TAG tag, we took into account the experience of SCR sensors as well as sensors from other manufacturers, which allowed us to exclude known problems in the design. In the IR-TAG tag, the battery is not rigidly attached to the PCB and is located in a special compartment in the center of the body mass.

Improved performance

In the IR-TAG tag (Comparator Ltd.) parts with low mass have been used to reduce the value of inertial forces. And the PCB itself has small dimensions and high rigidity, which minimizes its deflection under the action of operating loads and impacts.
A digital MEMS accelerometer with micro-current consumption and a high sampling rate is used as the primary transducer of the IR-TAG tag; this allows analyzing each animal's action and improving the performance by updating the firmware.

Shock-resistant IR-TAG tag housing

The body of the IR-TAG tag (LLC Comparator) is made of impact-resistant polyamide and thick polycarbonate withstands heavy loads and provides protection against moisture and corrosive environments.
cow and tag

COMPARATOR Ltd. is the developer and sole manufacturer of IR-TAG tags

IR-TAG infrared identification tag is produced according to technical specifications TU BY 692140683.002-2020 and meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAC compatibility of technical devices (TRS 020/2011). Registration number of the declaration of conformity of the EAEC № BY/112 11.01. ТР020 003 43971.
The warranty period is 24 months, the service life is at least 5 years, the estimated operating time from the built-in battery is 10 years.


We carefully pack the product and deliver it anywhere in the world.

Compartor Ltd has no relationship with Allflex, Lely and CSR. All our products are of our own design and manufacture.


Example of working on a farm

Example of working on a farm
The IR-TAG tag (Comparator Ltd.) digitally processes signals of activity and rumination, which allows for clearer and more contrast detection of animal hunting.
Activity and rumination - the milky robotic astronaut (A3)
As you can see, the cow began to hunt 23 days after calving, while the value of the graph during the hunt is many times higher than the background value.
An example of detecting three heat cycles in a cow
Examples of a decrease in chewing activity in a cow during a hunt.
During the hunt, rumination can drop to almost 0, but it can change slightly, depending on the current state and behavior of the cow.
R-TAG Жевательная активность (Руминация)
Simultaneous analysis of motor and chewing activity allows not only to detect hunting in a timely manner, but also to identify problems with the animal's health.
This example shows that the cow experienced a sharp drop in activity. This requires the immediate attention of the livestock technician.

If you are ready to start, write to us!

Phone: +375 29 630 5775